Every part of the world has some basic foods typical for their cuisine. For example, while an important basic food in Asia is rice, in the West is corn, wheat, bread... In many countries bread was or still is the basic, everyday food, which can be consumed as a main dish or as a side with almost every meal.
Bread plays a special, very significant role in Slovenian diet and in Slovenian tradition. In the past every farmer's household baked their own bread in Krušna peč - special bread owen that was built of bricks and ceramics and was the centre of the house. Baking day was a special day. A day when bread was made for the hole week. The hole house and air around it smelled on freshly baked bread - for many the smell of "home".
Bread plays a special, very significant role in Slovenian diet and in Slovenian tradition. In the past every farmer's household baked their own bread in Krušna peč - special bread owen that was built of bricks and ceramics and was the centre of the house. Baking day was a special day. A day when bread was made for the hole week. The hole house and air around it smelled on freshly baked bread - for many the smell of "home".
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Buckwheat-Soba bread with walnuts |